Jumat, 05 Juli 2019

Soal dan Jawaban Komprehensif Bahasa Inggris


Write your identity and daily activities at least 100 words.
Tulis identitas anda dan kegiatan segari-hari setidaknya 100 kata.
Answer (Jawab):
My name is Mubarok
I am usually called Barok
I was born in Pandegelang on July 10, 1995
Automatically i am now 25 years old
I was the second of four children
My favorite food is ramen noodles and my favorite drink is avocado juice

I do work everyday as a graphic design at a new company called kokitindo.com

Describe one of these pictures using english speaking in 5 minutes.
Jelaskan salah satu dari gambar-gambar ini menggunakan berbahasa inggris dalam 5 menit.
Answer (Jawab):
computer pict_1
A computer is a tool used to process data according to procedures that have been formulated. The word computer was originally used to describe the person whose work performed arithmetic  calculation, with or without tools, but the meaning of this word was then transferred to the machine itself. (sumber: translate from wikipedia)

    printer pict_2
Printer (id: pencetak) is a device that displays data in printed form, both in the form of text or images/graphics, on paper. (Sumber: translate from wikipedia)

    keyboard pict_3
Keyboards (id: papan ketik) are a board consisting of buttons like the letters of the alphabet (A-Z) to type sentences, there are also number 1 to 9, and also 0. As well as special symbols other on the  computer. In computing, keyboards use a set of keys or keys to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches. (translate from wikipedia)

Which of the following is the largest unit of storge?
Manakah dari berikut ini adalah unit penyimpanan terbesar?
a. megabyte  b. gigabyte  c. kilobyte  d. terabyte
Answer (Jawab):
d. Terabyte

Documents, Movies, Images and Photographs etc are stored at a .......
Dokumen, film, gambar dan foto dll disimpan di sebuah ......
a. web server  b. print server  c. application server  d. file server
Answer (Jawab):
d. file server

Which of the following is used in RAM?
Manakah dari berikut ini digunakan dalam RAM
a. semi conductor  b. transistor  c. conductor  d. vacum tubes
Answer (Jawab):
a. semi conductor 
Who was the founder of bluetooth?
Siapakah yang merupakan pendiri bluetooth?
a. Steve Jobs  b. Martin Cooper  c. Ericsson  d. Douglass Freegin
Answer (Jawab):
c. Ericsson (penemu : Dr. Jaap Haartsen)

Who is father of modern computer science
Siapa bapak ilmu komputer modern
a. Steve Jobs Server  b. Alan Turing  c. Gordon E. Moore  d. Larry Page
Answer (Jawab):
b. Alan Turing

The training course is supplemented with videos posted on ........
Kursus pelatihan dilengkapi dengan video yang diposting di .....
a. web 2.0  b. youtube  c. wiki  d. blog  e. podcast
Answer (Jawab):
b. youtube 
Once we start a ......., we need to post regular updates.
Setelah kami memulai ..... kami perlu memposting pembaharuan reguler.
a. web 2.0  b. youtube  c. wiki  d. blog  e. podcast
Answer (Jawab):    
a. web 2.0

Let's set up a ....... to share information on this project.
Mari kita buat sebuah .... untuk membagikan informasi tentang proyek ini
a. web 2.0  b. youtube  c. wiki  d. blog  e. podcast
Answer (Jawab):
d. blog

I like to listen to ........ on the way to work.
Saya suka mendengarkan .... saat bekerja
a. web 2.0  b. youtube  c. wiki  d. blog  e. podcast
Answer (Jawab):
e. podcast

Having a better understanding of ....... will help increase customer interaction.
Memiliki pemahaman baik tentang .... akan membantu meningkatkan interaksi pelanggan.
a. web 2.0  b. youtube  c. wiki  d. blog  e. podcast
Answer (Jawab):
c. wiki

What do these words stand for?
Apa arti kata-kata ini?
Answer (Jawab):
RAM (Random Access Memory) is a piece of hardware inside of computer that functions as a temporary data storage (memory) and various program instructions. (translate from website ).
CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a hard component or main data processing hardware device in a computer. The cpu can be referred to as the computer brain because the cpu manages all the activities and running of all programs including applications or software in them. (translate from website).
Wi-Fi is a technology that uses electronic equipment to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) through a computer network, including high-speed internet connection. (translate from website).
PDF (Portable Document Format) is a type of document or file format for the exchange of digital documents made by Adobe System in 1993. (translate from website).
USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a connection media between computers and other electronic devices such as mouse, keyboard, printer, scanner, cellphone, flash drive, dvd writer, game console, camera, modem and even used as a connecting medium to control test equipment and production machines. (translate from website).
LAN (Local Area Network) is a computer network where the coverage of the network area is very small or limited. For example, office computer networks, schools, homes, or in one room. (translate from website).

Rearrange these following steps of downloading video using 4K video downloader.
a. open your video location then click show in folder.
b. Download the 4K video dwonloader setup file.
c. Go to a video you want to download.
d. Click 'paste link'.
e. Select video format.
f. Click download button.
g. Install 4K video downloader.
h. Open Youtube.
i. Select a quality.
j. Copy the video's address

thank's for google translate.

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